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Where are my gym veterans???


We have spent plenty of time on our newbies, gym etiquette and how to combat gym intimidation.

Now, where are my seasoned gym veterans??

I haven't forgotten you. It's just's January and well, you know.....

Let's tackle this gym veteran problem.

What can we do to beat gym boredom???


I'm totally aware that the aforementioned 'I got you' is not proper English. However, when posed with a question with a clear answer (in my head), this is always my answer. But I digress. There are so many things to beat boredom, so let's go!

  • Find a lifting buddy. We have talked about this before, right? Let's look at this from a different angle though. A lifting buddy will hold you accountable, show you true grit at times, AANNNDD they will offer up their own plans for any given muscle group. Let them lead.

  • Find a class. If you are an old school lifter, chances are good that you will not be looking for a Zumba class. Although I can't figure out why because Zumba is the most fun fitness thing I've ever done in my life. Ever. In the greater Lansing area? I can help you out. If not, look for kettlebell classes or body pump. Stalk a few fitness professionals before you sign up.

  • Mix things up!! Superset everything! Supersetting is working 2 or 3 different exercises with no rest between sets. You can work the same or opposing or just random muscle groups. This is how I train my people, this is how I set up my own training.

  • Put something on your calendar. Sign up for a 5k or mud run. Look into some fitness challenges to train for (or not). This will give you a focus and an end date.

  • Even more fun than supersetting?? Bring your phone (gasp!!) into the weight room to set a timer. Do everything in one minute sets. You'll need to drop your weight loads to about 75% of your working to failure sets, but it's "fun".

  • Pyramid everything. Work in sets of 5 starting with lower weight and with 20 reps, heading to your max by your third set, then back down again. Fun times!!

  • Take a week off. Yes, I said (typed) this. If you've lost a little love for the weight room, you may need a brief break. Brief means a week. I have learned through the years that a one week break from the weight room every 3-4 months is what the dedicated lifters try to incorporate.

  • Change your playlist! You've been listening to the same head bangers for a while now. It's time for some new music.


    We have hit some of the biggies but I'm sure this just skims the surface! What do you do to combat boredom in the weight room?

    My people (those that I train) have learned that if I say, "I have a new game!", not only am I excited about what they are about to do, there is a pretty good chance that they may not like it. ;-)

    I will not allow you to get bored. This goes for myself as well.

    "Do one thing every day that scares you." I've no clue who said it first but let's run with it. How does that equate to the weight room or your personal exercise routine??

    To be honest, it doesn't have to be LITERALLY scary, but more like, what is something new that you've wanted to try?? Or maybe something that you have not done in a long time??

    For me, personally?? I haven't set any new PRs in a minute. I'm okay with that since I'm still recovering from a shoulder surgery. This might be a good example for a seasoned gym goer like myself.....let's set some new PRs!! Bring along your posse' that will hype you up and/or get video and pictures.

    We have already touched on motivation (vs. discipline) and as we all know, and live, motivation is crap. It's your discipline that keeps you coming back for more. It's your creativity that keeps you from getting bored.

    On a more serious note, I have learned in my many many years in the weight room, that boredom can be dangerous. If you are finding reasons NOT to go to the gym or class, you won't go. And if you don't go, you are not bettering yourself. Right?? Find reasons to continue your path of fitness/wellness. You can do hard things. I believe in you.


love and lifting--




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